Worldwide Community First Responder, Inc. works through partnership to achieve its goals. Individuals and organizations can participate in these partnerships by becoming members, becoming volunteers, and making donations.

Become a Member


WCFR Membership Options:

1. Individual (annual membership) = $ 50

2. Family (annual membership) = $ 95

As a member, you will receive a special discount on WCFR events, WCFR Lifesaver Card for successfully completing our “Be a Lifesaver: Learn Hands-only CPR” training, WCFR first aid kit, package of quarterly or yearly information, special letter or call from executives, holiday cards, et cetera….

Become a Member

For more information on membership, please contact Dr. Hans Cassagnol, Vice President, Membership Ambassador at


Become a Sponsor

WCFR Sponsorship packages include

1. One-year membership to Worldwide Community First Responder, Inc. ($50.00 Value)

2. Name/logo on slide show throughout the annual gala event

Great Sponsorship Opportunities to Create Awareness for Your Organization and to Support our Mission “To Prevent Deaths Worldwide through Education and Training”
via membership at Worldwide Community First Responder, Inc.

Become a Sponsor

For more information on sponsorship, please contact Jacqueline Cassagnol, MSN, RN, PMC at


Become a Volunteer

WCFR Volunteer Options:

1. Host a fundraiser for WCFR

2. Help at WCFR events and activities

3. Participate on WCFR educational/training programs

As a WCFR volunteer, magic happens. By giving to others through volunteering you connect with your community, create friendships, and bring support and meaning into your life.

Become a Volunteer

For more information on volunteering, please contact Avion Urbain-Brammer, RN, MSN, Board Member at


Make a Donation

WCFR Donation Options:

1. One time donation (any amount)

2. Monthly Giving (different levels $5 and up per month)

3. Gift donation (special occasions & holidays)

4. Tribute Donation (in Honor of Someone)

5. Donation of Stocks/Bonds/Mutual Funds

6. Financially Support a Member of an Educational/Training Trip

7. Financially Support an Educational/Training Trip

8. Major Giving (donations of $ 500 or more)

For more information on donating, please contact Jeff Hudson, MS, Treasurer at


General Information:

1. Cost of educational/training materials

A. Manuals $ 15 per participant

B. CPR shields with WCFR logo $ 500 / 250

C. Manikins ($ dependent on # needed)

D. Paper certificate of completion to participants

E. Average Cost of Supplies per trip = $ 2500

2. An educational/training trip from WCFR usually includes 1-4 individuals or more depending on the program.

3. Current countries that we are focused on are the USA and Haiti. Long term plan is to cover the entire globe.

4. We accept donations directed to a specific country that we don’t have any established plan for outreach right now, as long as we can develop a program that meets the needs of the specific community and the donor(s).

5. We welcome volunteers to our programs and projects, as long as they meet the following requirements:

A. 3 references

B. background check paid for by volunteer (at least $ 60)

For more information on ways to support Worldwide Community First
Responder Inc., please contact us at:
Worldwide Community First Responder, Inc.
P.O. Box 747
Nanuet, NY 10954
(845) 200-3130




Members make our mission possible.

Join us in preventing deaths worldwide through education and training. Learn more about the benefits of membership and join our community.

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